Pin and Plating Material
Pin Materials:
Brass, Beryllium Copper, Copper, Phosphorous Bronze, Cutting Steel, Stainless Steel, Carbon Steel, Aluminum Alloy etc.
Plating Processes that can be found are:
Copper (Cu), Nickel / Electroless Nickel (Ni/ENi), Bright Tin ( Bright Sn), Matte Tin (Matte Sn), Tri-metal (Cu/Sn/Zn), Silver (Ag), Nickel-Tin (SnNi), Palladium (Pd), Platinum (Pt), Gold (Au)(Barrel & Rack – PCB and GC)
Plating Base Material that can be found are:
Steel, Steel Alloy (Fe+Co+Ni), Brass, Copper, Copper Alloy, Aluminum, Aluminum Alloy, Stainless Steel, Zinc, Zinc Alloy, Ceramic
电镀工艺可以找到的是: 铜, 镍/无电解镍, 亮锡, 雾锡(哑光锡), 三金属, 银, 镍锡, 钯, 铂, 金(桶和机架 – PCB和GC)